Ryan Fell, Chair
Meeting Minutes (click below)
Receives all applications for membership; reviews, investigates, and interviews all applicants for membership; evaluates membership classes, policies, and procedures.
Elizabeth Stuart – Staff Chair
Coming Soon
Chris Portney, Chair
Assists in arranging all golf tournaments held at LCCC; develops and recommends local golf rules and establishes player conduct rules; has jurisdiction over handicapping matters.
Mark Thirtle – Staff Chair
Men's Golf Sub-Committee
Henning Thorsen - Chair
Women's Golf Sub-Committee
Handicap Sub-Committee
John Blair, Chair
Meeting Minutes (click below)
Advises on golf course maintenance, repair, and safety issues; reviews and makes recommendations on golf course equipment purchases and course projects.
Lauren Lasocha – Staff Chair
Elaine Laustsen, Chair
Meeting Minutes (click below)
Suggests and recommends to the Board, Management, and members efficient means to maximize the enjoyment and Membership Experience.
Staff Chairs: Tom Narozonick & Lanita Pattenaude
Pool Sub-Committee
Bobbi Houghton – Staff Chair
Racquet Sub-Committee
Meeting Minutes
Matt Berry – Staff Chair
Fitness Sub-Committee
Meeting Minutes
Jarratt Rouse – Staff Chair
Felisa Manion, Chair
Social Sub-Committee
Meeting Minutes
Jill Winchester, Chair
Tom Narozonick, Staff Chair
Matt Collier, Chair
Roberta Collier, Chair
Meeting Minutes (click below)
Adam Zubek, Staff Chair