The La Cumbre Women’s Golf Association (WGA) is the most active women’s golf group in the Santa Barbara area. The WGA Tuesday play day is always well attended with between 30 and 40 women teeing off at the 8:30 AM shotgun. The WGA also conducts the Women’s Club Championship, Women’s Senior Club Championship and two other major member-member tournaments. The yearly, two-day Member-Guest tournament and monthly Guest Days are also organized by the WGA.
The WGA is governed by a Board of eleven voting members. Another 25 members volunteer their time to plan and run the many WGA activities throughout the year. In addition, many of the WGA members willingly contribute time and leadership to the La Cumbre Board and its club-level committees.
New members are welcome to join the WGA at any time throughout the year. The WGA’s Hospitality Chair is the point of contact for joining the WGA. The Hospitality Chair also manages the WGA’s “Big Sister” program that assigns an experienced member to assist a new member with the ins-and-outs of becoming active in the WGA.
Chairman - Maggie Marks
Tournament Chair - Nancy Rosenthal
Handicaps - Sue Wilcox
Secretary - Kathy Gallagher
Treasurer - Judi Brooks
Hospitality - MJ Baumgartner
The WGA makes it a priority to communicate with its members. The WGA’s Communications Chair uses six ways to publicize its many activities.
See the emails for the latest updates.
- Nancy Falberg, Communications Chair
Year | Name | Year | Name |
Feb 2021 | Chris Portney | 1988-1990 | Gladys Feldman |
Jan 2021 | Karen Anne Platt | 1986-1988 | Margaret Zimmerman |
2019 / 2020 | Annetta Patrick | 1984-1986 | Ann Marie Yanover |
1982-1984 | Charlotte Schultze | ||
2017-2018 | Lee Drummy | 1981-1982 | Betty Williams |
2015-2016 | Kathy Keller | 1979-1981 | Marie Rey |
2013-2014 | Chriss Zubas | 1977-1979 | Margo Console |
2011-2012 | Sue Vincent | 1976-1977 | Virginia Shapin |
2009-2010 | Cynthia Krueger | 1975-1976 | Georgiana Nammack |
2007-2008 | June Brusse | 1974-1975 | Mary Shirvanian |
2005-2006 | Nancy Falberg | 1973-1974 | Marge Pierce |
2003-2004 | Sally Smith | 1972-1973 | Elizabeth Levy |
2002 | Nancy Sakurai | 1970-1972 | Helen Gorton |
2001 | Jane Atwater | 1968-1970 | Virginia Stoney |
1999-2000 | Beverly Mester | 1966-1968 | Jane Woggon |
1998-1999 | Joyce Donald | 1965-1966 | Gloria Johnson |
1996-1997 | Ann Marie Yanover | 1964-1965 | Lee Moser |
1995-1996 | Cheryl Wright | 1962-1964 | Virginia Stoney |
1994-1995 | Nancy Sakurai | 1960-1962 | Patricia Manchester |
1992-1994 | Nina Faye Podlesny | 1957-1960 | Hazel Neilson |
1990-1992 | Marge Pierce |
Year | Name | Year | Name |
2021 | Noel Lucky Ris | 1981-1982 | Peggy Timmons |
2016-2020 | Sue Wilcox | 1979-1980 | Janet Partie |
2015 | Karen Anne Platt | 1978 | Peggy Timmons |
2011-2014 | Sue Wilcox | 1977 | Myrte Ferris |
2010 | Kathy Keller | 1976 | Delia Forte |
2009 | Kelley Slaught | 1975 | Bonnie Orr |
2008 | Allison Dittman | 1974 | Delia Forte |
1998-2007 | Cynthia Navis | 1973 | Peggy Timmons |
1997 | Patsy Downing | 1972 | Betty Rabe |
1996 | Cheryl Jackson | 1971 | Peggy Timmons |
1995 | Kelley Slaught | 1969-1970 | Helen Gorton |
1992-1994 | Cheryl Jackson | 1967-1968 | Peggy Timmons |
1991 | Melody Levy | 1966 | Marie Falzone |
1988-1990 | Patsy Downing | 1964-1965 | Peggy Timmons |
1986-1987 | Nina Faye Podlesny | 1963 | Pat Sartorius |
1985 | Dusty Parish | 1960-1962 | Peggy Timmons |
1984 | Marge Pierce | 1959 | June Clark |
1983 | Janet Partie | 1958 | Hazel Nielsen |
The WGA conducts four major tournaments every year. The Club Championship and Senior Club Championship are individual gross competitions. The Better Ball of Partners Tournament and the President’s Partners Cup Tournament are member-member net tournaments. Funding for prizes for the Club Championship, the Better Ball of Partners Tournament, and the President’s Partners Cup Tournament is provided from the WGA annual dues. The Senior Club Championship is funded by a fee charged to its participants. Each tournament is directed by a specific tournament chair and overseen by the WGA Board.
The WGA Club Championship determines the Women’s Club Champion. It is a gross competition that has been conducted since 1958. To be eligible to compete in the Club Championship, the player must be a WGA member in good standing with a verified current handicap based on twenty 18-hole rounds and must have played 10 home games with another WGA member during the 12-month period ending the Tuesday before the Tournament begins.
Flighted competition is also part of the Club Championship with prizes awarded in each flight. Prizes for this tournament are funded by the WGA annual dues. The handicap limit for the flighted competition is 36.
The tournament consists of 3 days of either stroke or match play. A ‘seeding’ or ‘qualifying’ round may precede the tournament. In stroke play, ties for Champion are broken with a sudden death playoff and ties for others are broken by a back nine card-off using the scorecard of each player’s lowest score. In match play, matches continue until there is a winner.
The Club Champion’s name is engraved on the perpetual trophy. Prizes determined by the Tournament Chair are awarded in each flight. The Club Champion and runner-up are eligible to compete in the SCGA-sponsored Tournament of Champions conducted in November.
This annual tournament is named in honor of Dr. Georgiana Nammack, a charter member of the La Cumbre Women’s Golf Association. Georgiana Nammack donated the perpetual trophy bearing her name.
To be eligible to compete in the Senior Club Championship, a player must be a WGA member and be 65 years or older. She must have played a minimum of ten (10) home games with another Association member during the twelve (12) month period prior to the event. Competitors age 80 and over are allowed to compete at full handicap. Competitors under 80 play to a maximum handicap of 36. The Senior Club Championship Tournament Chair determines which set of tees to be used. A shotgun start is used for this tournament with a festive lunch following play.
A fee is charged to each participant for prizes and lunch. This is a gross and net one-day tournament. The tournament is flighted based on the players’ ages: the flights are Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
The overall low gross score across the field determines the Senior Club Champion and her name is engraved on the perpetual trophy. The lowest net and gross scores in each flight determine the net and gross winners of that flight.
In the event of a tie for overall low gross, there will be a playoff, with the starting hole designated by the golf shop. Handicap Indexes are used in order to remove the possibilities of ties.
The Better-Ball of Partners is a member-member tournament usually played in August. It is a net tournament played in a foursomes (better-ball) match play format. It is usually a single elimination tournament, with the losers of each round being eliminated. There are four rounds in the tournament; scheduled for a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday.
The WGA Annual Dues fund the prizes for this tournament. There is a perpetual trophy on which the winners’ names are engraved. This tournament has been conducted since 1988.
Each team is composed of two WGA members. The partners’ handicaps must be within 10 strokes of each other. If the higher handicap is more than 10 strokes, the higher-handicapped player’s handicap is reduced to be within 10 strokes of the lower-handicapped player. The tournament is played at 100% of handicap with a maximum Handicap of 36.
The match play pairings are determined by a numerical draw that ranks each team based on the sum of the team’s handicaps. Each match starts on the first tee with an assigned tee time. The match winner advances to the next round. If there is no consolation flight, there is a play-off on the fourth day for third and fourth place.
This tournament is played in honor of the WGA’s Chair. It is usually scheduled for play in October. It is a member-member tournament that is played over three days using a different format each day. The WGA Annual Dues fund the prizes for this tournament. There is a perpetual trophy on which the overall winners’ names are engraved. This is a net-only tournament and is flighted.
Each team is composed of two WGA members. The partners’ handicaps must be within 10 strokes of each other. If the higher handicap is more than 10 strokes, the higher-handicapped player’s handicap is reduced to be within 10 strokes of the lower-handicapped player. The tournament is played at 100% of handicap with a maximum handicap of 36.
The President’s Partners Cup Tournament Chair determines the order in which the three formats played. Usually, the formats are played in the following order: Day 1–Texas Scramble, Day 2–Modified Chapman (alternate shot), and Day 3–Better Ball of Partners.
WGA members have the opportunity to participate in three types of women’s team play: Inter-city team, SCGA team, and Summer team. The Team Captain, a voting member of the WGA board, manages the Inter-Club and SCGA teams. The Summer Team Captain, who manages the Summer team’s matches, is also a voting member of the WGA Board.
The purpose of Inter-Club Team Play is to provide the women of Birnam Wood Golf Club, La Cumbre Country Club, The Montecito Club, and The Valley Club of Montecito the opportunity to compete in match play for the Santa Barbara Inter-Club Gross and Net Championships. The matches are conducted in an atmosphere conducive to establishing and maintaining women's golfing friendships between the four clubs. Inter-club Team Play is also a good introduction to team play before joining in the more competitive SCGA Team Play matches.
Team Play Format: Each club hosts one team play event per year. The year's first three events are team matches. Two team matches are played on a team match date. For example, at a team play event hosted by Team A: Team A plays Team B, Team C plays Team D.
The year's last team event is a "Play Day". The purpose of Play Day is to have a social event with a mixture of players from all clubs and to recognize the winning clubs for the year's match play competitions. The club hosting Play Day determines the format for that day's competition, including whether the field is flighted, and the composition of each four-person team. Each four-person team has a player from each club.
The rotation for hosting team matches and Play Day has been made so that in every four-year cycle a club hosts three team matches and one Play Day. The assignments of the competing teams for each team’s match have been made so that the club playing a match against the host club changes every year. Also, a club plays only one match against a host club per year. The club hosting Play Day does not play a match against a host club.
Match Format: For each match, each club fields five two-person teams (ten players) plus one alternate two-person team. A player's current month’s index is used unless the match falls within a three-day period of the index change date, at which point, the prior index is used.
Scoring: For each gross match, 1 gross match point is awarded to the winning club. For each net match, 1 net match point is awarded to the winning club. If a match is tied (halved), each club is awarded 1/2 match point (net or gross). Each club has the potential for 5 gross match points and 5 net match points for each club-to-club match. For a club-to-club match, the club with the highest gross match point total is awarded 1 gross win point. For a club-to-club match, the club with the highest net match point total is awarded 1 net win point. If for a club-to-club match, the gross match points are tied, then each club is awarded 1/2 gross win point. If for a club-to-club match, the net match points are tied, then each club is awarded a 1/2 net win point. The year's gross winner is the club with the highest gross win points (maximum is 3 points) accumulated over its three club-to-club matches. The year's net winner is the club with the highest net win points accumulated over its three club-to-club matches.
If there is a tie for the overall category (net or gross) winner, the winner is the club with the highest number of category match points (maximum of 15 match points) over the club's three matches. If there is still a tie, the winner is determined by the club with the highest number of category match points in the match against the other tied club.
If a club has the highest gross and net win point totals, that club is the gross and net winner.
Trophies: The four clubs have provided funds for purchasing two perpetual trophy plates. The name of the year's winning gross club is engraved on the gross trophy, the winning net club's name is engraved on the net trophy. The winning clubs are responsible for having the plates engraved and retain the trophies until the next year's Play Day.
The club hosting the upcoming Play Day is given the historical silver trays for display. The historical silver trays honor the former winners (1963- 2010) of the inter-club matches.
The WGA has participated in the SCGA Division I, City Team play for many years – frequently winning in its local group and going into the SCGA Team play-offs. In 2018, the WSCGA became part of the SCGA. At this time, La Cumbre joined with fifteen other clubs to form the Gold Coast Affiliation (GCA). GCA Team Play is conducted as net and gross competitions. The net GCA winning team continues on to represent the GCA in the SCGA team play-offs. The GCA clubs are grouped by geographical area. The northern area clubs are San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, The Mission Club, and Alisal Ranch. La Cumbre is in the Santa Barbara area along with Birnam Wood, The Montecito Club, and The Valley Club of Montecito. The Camarillo geographical area is composed of Spanish Hills, The Saticoy Club, Las Posas, and North Ranch. Porter Valley, Wood Ranch, Sunset Hills, and Calabasas are in the southern area. Every year, each club in the GCA plays team matches against three other GCA clubs based on that year’s group assignment. La Cumbre, being in the Santa Barbara Group, will play one club from the northern area, one club from the Camarillo area, and one club from the southern area. The clubs to be played vary every year. This provides the La Cumbre players an opportunity to play many different courses and meet a variety of players from the local areas.
The WGA began participating in Women’s Summer Team League starting in the summer of 2013. The Summer Team League (also known as ‘B’ Team) has been active on the Central Coast for a number of years. Summer Team is designed to give higher-handicap (18 and higher) ladies an opportunity to participate in team play against other clubs in the area. Each club plays one home match and one away match against five other clubs in the league. Five two-person teams representing each club play in a match. The match schedule is coordinated each year in January. The matches occur in June through August of that year. The Summer Team Captain manages the schedule and activities of the Summer Team.
A WGA member has the option to sign-up for a Spring / Fall Ringer (or both) at a charge of $10 for each Ringer card. The amount of prize money for each Ringer (Spring or Fall) is determined by Ringer Chair. The Ringer Chair works with the Golf Shop to produce the Ringer cards and determine the winners.
The Spring Ringer is held March 1 to April 30 and the Fall Ringer is held September 1 to November 15.
Participants strive to achieve their best “virtual” 18-hole score by tracking their best hole-by-hole score during a maximum of twelve recorded rounds.
Ringer Rules:
The WGA’s Rules Chair provides a variety of information on the Rules of Golf through presentations at the WGA General Meetings, postings in the women’s locker room, match-play seminars with team players, and rules clinics.
The WGA maintains a photo wall in the Ladies’ Locker Room. Each member has her portrait taken and then added to the photo wall. The wall also displays portraits of the current board members and tournament chairs.
A WGA member may sign-up at any time to join the Hole-in-One (HIO) club for the current year. The club is free to join but each member gets charged $5 each time a hole-in-one is made by one of the club’s members. When a hole-in-one is made, a sign is posted in the women’s locker room showing the two-week period when a club member can have a “hole-in-one drink” to celebrate. The club member indicates that a drink is a “hole-in-one” drink by drawing a ‘1’ in a large circle on the drink charge slip. On the La Cumbre bill for that month, there will be a $5 charge for the HIO club and a -$5 charge for the drink. When HIO Club members do not use their hole-in-one drink, their unspent $5 charges are placed into a La Cumbre account that is split among the club members who had a hole-in-one during the past calendar year.
The HIO information is posted on the SCGA website. The SCGA can send the player a paper certificate to commemorate the event.
If the hole-in-one is made on the La Cumbre course, the player’s name is engraved on the perpetual Hole-in-One plaque that hangs in the women’s locker room.
The member scoring the HIO can receive a special bag tag to commemorate her Ace.
The WGA plays a one-day Ryder Cup team tournament every even-numbered year (e.g., 2014, 2016) to celebrate the PGA and European Tours' playing of the Ryder Cup. Starting in 2015, the WGA initiated play of the one-day Solheim Cup team tournament to recognize the LPGA and Ladies European Tour (LET) competition held every odd-numbered year. The WGA members who sign-up for this event are divided into two groups, the USA and the European teams. The team captains then match the players against each other based on current handicaps. Each two-person team then plays two nine-hole matches. The format for the two matches is 9 holes of alternate shot (foursomes) and 9 holes of the better ball (fourball). Points are accumulated for each match and the team with the most points is the winning team - earning bragging rights until the next Ryder Cup or Solheim Cup. Two perpetual trophies record the winning team's name for each year a Cup is contested. The WGA Cup is usually played on a Tuesday in September, to coincide with the playing of the actual professional cup match.
The Big Sister program is administered by the WGA’s Hospitality Chair. Under this program, an experienced WGA member (the Big Sister) is assigned to any WGA member requesting assistance in participating in the WGA activities. The following list of guidelines/suggestions may be used by a Big Sister: