Message from our Co-Chairs Nancy Rosenthal and Marnie Pinsker:
We are open to members of all levels of play. For more information contact either Co-Chair,
Marnie Pinsker, or
Nancy Rosenthal. If you have any questions about Communications, please contact
Linda Bialla.
We encourage all Niner's to play with us on Fridays by signing up online or calling the golf shop. We look forward to having you join us in front of the golf shop around 8:00 for tee offs starting at 8:15am on Fridays. After golf, everyone is encouraged to gather at the Patio Bar & Grill for coffee and conversation. We want welcome all Niners, whether you can make it for golf that Friday or not, to join us for coffee and camaraderie! Let’s create a great Niner community!
Look out for Niner Communications in your email and don’t forget to watch for the Divot with the latest updates on Niner news.
We hope to see you out there on the golf course or at our after-golf coffees,
Marnie Pinsker
Nancy Rosenthal
LCCC Niner Co-Chairs
Scrambles & Social are the 4th Wednesday of each month (Jan -Oct) through October.
Sign up on Team Reach App on your phone with Group Code: 93110-9andWine. Open to ALL LC golf members.
*More details will be emailed to our Niners as the dates get closer by our Niner Communications Chair, Linda Bialla... stay tuned.