Dear Members,
Article II, Section 8 of the Club’s Bylaws provides as follows:
(f) Authorize such alterations and improvements of the Club’s property as they may deem proper and modify or discontinue any Club facility where such action seems necessary or expedient. [In connection with such alterations and improvements, modifications or discontinuance, the affirmative vote of a majority of the Regular Members voting in response to a written request by the Board of Directors shall be required in order for the Board of Directors to (i) incur capital indebtedness of more than $500,000, (ii) authorize the expenditure of more than $1,000,000, or (iii) re-route existing holes or create new or additional green complexes on the Club’s golf course.]
The Board of Directors has unanimously recommended approving the signing of a contract with La Cumbre Water District and the City of Santa Barbara for reclaimed water, subject to the approval of the Members as provided in the Bylaws as set forth above.
Members have previously been provided information regarding the Club’s need for reclaimed water in my article Water Everywhere, our General Manager’s article in the September Divot, and the Green Committee reports regarding reclaimed water.
The Board and management have spent a great deal of time completing negotiations to assure a future water source for our golf course. It should be noted that the expectation of reclaimed water has been a topic of many past Boards. In fact, several years ago, in anticipation of reclaimed water, we installed a reclaimed sprinkler system while awaiting the City’s ability to deliver the reclaimed water. Given the water situation in California, and especially here in Santa Barbara, it is essential to establish a long-term source of water. We have already experienced significant pricing increases for potable water and restrictions on potable water use during drought conditions. As we look forward, reclaimed water may not only be our only source of water, but it may be more cost-effective than potable water. Wayne has followed the water issue for our Club for 11 years and feels reclaimed water will be our only option to maintain our golf course in the future. He has provided an in-depth analysis (insert link) on the website for your information.
The Board has looked at several options for financing this project. After reviewing those options, and given the excellent financial position of the Club this year, the Board has determined that a combination of debt financing and the use of reserve funds can be used to finance this project based on an estimated cost of $800,000 to $1,000,000.
The Board is requesting your approval by voting “yes” on the attached e-mail ballot or the ballot mailed to you to and returned in the envelope provided.
La Cumbre Country Club
Tom Carey